Script Language
DGMScript is a tiny clojure-inspired LISP language which is based on the Mal interpreter. Here is the online playground for Mal interpreter.
DGMScript supports datatypes including number, string, boolean, nil, symbol, keyword, map, list, vector and atom.
;; number3.14
;; math functions(+ 1 2) ;;=> 3(- 8 3) ;;=> 5(* 3 4) ;;=> 12(/ 3 2) ;;=> 1.5
;; comparison(= 1 1) ;;=> true(< 1 2) ;;=> true(> 2 1) ;;=> true(<= 2 2) ;;=> true(>= 2 2) ;;=> true
;; string"string"(str "hello") ;;=> "hello"(str "hello" 1 2 3) ;;=> "hello123"(str `hello) ;;=> "hello"(str :hello) ;;=> ":hello"(str true) ;;=> "true"(str nil) ;;=> "nil"(pr-str '(a b foo :bar)) ;;=> "(a b foo :bar)"
;; test string(string? "hello") ;;=> true
;; concat(concat "hello" "world") ;;=> "helloworld"
;; seq(seq "hello") ;;=> ("h" "e" "l" "l" "o")
;; booleantruefalse
;; boolean test(true? true) ;;=> true(false? false) ;;=> true
;; not(not false) ;;=> true(not 1) ;;=> false(not nil) ;;=> true
;; or(or true false false) ;;=> true(or false false) ;;=> false(or 0 1 2) ;;=> 0(or 1 2 3) ;;=> 1(or "true" "false") ;;=> "true"(or "false" "true") ;;=> "false"(or nil 1) ;;=> 1
;; nilnil
(nil? nil) ;;=> true
;; symbol`sym(symbol "sym") ;;=> sym
;; test symbol(symbol? `sym) ;;=> true(symbol? (symbol "sym")) ;;=> true
;; keyword:key ;;=> :key(keyword "key") ;;=> :key
;; keyword?(keyword? :key) ;;=> true
;; use keywords in map(def! map0 {:key1 100 :key2 200})(get map0 :key1) ;;=> 100(keys map0) ;;=> (:key1 :key2)(contains? map0 :key1) ;;=> true
;; map{"key1" "value1", "key2" "value2"}(hash-map :k1 "v1" :k2 100) ;;=> {:k1 "v1" :k2 100}
;; define a map(def! map1 {"key1" "value1", "key2" "value2"})
;; test map(map? map1) ;;=> true
;; get(get map1 "key1") ;;=> "value1";(get map1 "key2") ;;=> "value2";(get map1 "key3") ;;=> nil;
;; keys(keys map1) ;;=> ("key1" "key2")
;; vals(vals map1) ;;=> ("value1" "value2")
;; contains(contains? map1 "key1") ;;=> true(contains? map1 "key3") ;;=> false
;; assoc(assoc map1 "key1" "newval") ;;=> {"key1" "newval" "key2" "value2"}
;; dissoc(dissoc map1 "key1") ;;=> {"key2": "value2"}
;; list`(1 2 3 "four")(list 1 2 3) ;;=> (1 2 3)
;; define a list(def! list1 `(1 2 3))
;; test list(list? list1) ;;=> true
;; count(count list1) ;;=> 3
;; empty(empty? list1) ;;=> false(empty? `()) ;;=> true
;; first(first list1) ;;=> 1
;; rest(rest list1) ;;=> (2 3)
;; nth(nth list1 0) ;;=> 1(nth list1 1) ;;=> 2(nth list1 2) ;;=> 3
;; cons(cons 1 `(2 3)) ;;=> (1 2 3)(cons 1 [2 3]) ;;=> (1 2 3)
;; conj(conj `(1 2) 3) ;;=> (3 1 2)(conj `(1 2) 3 4) ;;=> (4 3 1 2)
;; concat(concat `(1 2) `(3 4)) ;;=> (1 2 3 4)
;; seq(seq `(1 2 3)) ;;=> (1 2 3)(seq [1 2 3]) ;;=> (1 2 3)(seq "hello") ;;=> ("h" "e" "l" "l" "o")(seq nil) ;;=> nil
;; vector[1 2 3 "a" "b" "c"](vector 1 2 3) ;;=> [1 2 3]
;; define a vector(def! vec1 [1 2 3])
;; test vector(vector? vec1) ;;=> true
;; count(count vec1) ;;=> 3
;; empty(empty? vec1) ;;=> false(empty? []) ;;=> true
;; first(first vec1) ;;=> 1
;; rest(rest vec1) ;;=> (2 3)
;; nth(nth vec1 0) ;;=> 1(nth vec1 1) ;;=> 2(nth vec1 2) ;;=> 3
;; concat(concat [1 2] [3 4]) ;;=> (1 2 3 4)
;; conj(conj [1 2] 3 4) ;;=> [1 2 3 4]
;; seq(seq [1 2 3]) ;;=> (1 2 3)
Atom is a reference type used to manage shared, mutable state. It encapsulates a single value that can be updated atomically.
;; new atom(def! my-atom (atom 0))
;; deref (read)@my-atom ;;=> 0(deref my-atom) ;;=> 0
;; swap (mutate)(swap! my-atom (fn* [n] (+ n 1))) ;;=> 1@my-atom ;;=> 1
;; atom?(atom? my-atom) ;;=> true
;; reset(reset! my-atom 5) ;;=> 5@my-atom ;;=> 5
;; def!(def! pi 3.14)(def! sum (fn* [a b] (+ a b)))
;; let*(let* [a 1 b 2] (+ a b)) ;; 3
;; anonymous function(fn* [a b] (+ a b))
;; define named function(def! sum (fn* [a b] (+ a b)))
;; call function(sum 1 2) ;; 3
You can use conditional expression if
, cond
, and or
;; if-condition(if true 1 2) ;; 1(if false 1 2) ;; 2
;; cond(def! pos-neg-or-zero (fn* [n] (cond (< n 0) "negative" (> n 0) "positive" :else "zero")))
(post-neg-or-zero 1) ;;=> "positive"(post-neg-or-zero -1) ;;=> "negative"(post-neg-or-zero 0) ;;=> "zero"
Multiple actions
You can execute multiple actions has side-effects with do
;; do(do (println "hello!") (println "DGM"));;=>;;hello;;DGM
Useful functions
;; sequential(sequential? [1 2 3]) ;;=> true(sequential? `(1 2 3)) ;;=> true
;; map(def! inc)(map (fn* [n] (+ n 1)) `(1 2 3)) ;;=> (2 3 4)
;; apply(concat "a" "b" "c") ;;=> "abc"(apply concat `("a" "b" "c")) ;;=> "abc"
;; println, prn(println "hello!") ;;=> hello\n(prn "hello!") ;;=> hello\n
;; pi (3.141592...)pi
;; trigonometric functions(def! radian (/ (* 45 pi) 180))(cos radian)(sin radian)(tan radian)(acos radian)(asin radian)(atan radian)
;; abs/floor/ceil/trunc(abs -7) ;;=> 7(floor 5.95) ;;=> 5(ceil 5.01) ;;=> 6(trunc 42.84) ;;=> 42
;; power(pow 2 8) ;;=> 256
;; square root(sqrt 9) ;;=> 3
;; min/max(max 1 2 3 4) ;;=> 4(min 1 2 3 4) ;;=> 1
DGM object interoperability
;; access to a DGM object's field(. shape :left)(. shape :id)
;; call a DGM object's method(. canvas :line 10 10 100 100)(. canvas :polyline [[10 10] [100 100]])
In script, you can use the following accessible objects:
The shape
object is the shape object where the script code is attached.
The below is the available variables and functions in shape
(. shape :id)(. shape :type)(. shape :name)(. shape :description)(. shape :proto)(. shape :tags)(. shape :enable)(. shape :visible)(. shape :movable)(. shape :sizable)(. shape :rotatable)(. shape :containable)(. shape :containableFilter)(. shape :connectable)(. shape :left)(. shape :top)(. shape :right)(. shape :bottom)(. shape :width)(. shape :height)(. shape :rotate)(. shape :strokeColor)(. shape :strokeWidth)(. shape :strokePattern)(. shape :fillColor)(. shape :fillStyle)(. shape :fontColor)(. shape :fontFamily)(. shape :fontSize)(. shape :fontStyle)(. shape :fontWeight)(. shape :opacity)(. shape :roughness)(. shape :constraints)(. shape :properties)(. shape :scripts)
(. shape :renderDefault canvas)(. shape :renderText canvas)(. shape :getCenter)(. shape :getOutlineDefault)(. shape :getConnectionPointsDefault)(. shape :getBoundingRect)
The below is the available functions in canvas
(. canvas :line x1 y1 x2 y2)(. canvas :strokeRect x1 y1 x2 y2)(. canvas :fillRect x1 y1 x2 y2)(. canvas :rect x1 y1 x2 y2)(. canvas :strokeRoundRect x1 y1 x2 y2 radius)(. canvas :fillRoundRect x1 y1 x2 y2 radius)(. canvas :roundRect x1 y1 x2 y2 radius)(. canvas :strokeEllipse x1 y1 x2 y2)(. canvas :fillEllipse x1 y1 x2 y2)(. canvas :ellipse x1 y1 x2 y2)(. canvas :polyline path)(. canvas :strokeCurve path)(. canvas :fillCurve path)(. canvas :curve path)(. canvas :strokePolygon path)(. canvas :fillPolygon path)(. canvas :polygon path)(. canvas :strokeArc x y r startAngle endAngle)(. canvas :fillArc x y r startAngle endAngle)(. canvas :arc x y r startAngle endAngle)(. canvas :fillText x y text)(. canvas :textMetric text)